Contractions Every 10 Minutes: What You Need to Know
When a woman is pregnant, she experiences several changes in her body, both physical and emotional, which can cause discomfort and pain. One of the most significant experiences of pregnancy is labor, which is the process that prepares the woman`s body for childbirth. One of the earliest signs of labor is contractions, and one of the indications that labor has begun is when contractions are experienced every ten minutes.
What are Contractions?
Contractions are the tightening of the uterus that occurs during labor. They are caused by the hormones produced by the body, which stimulate the muscles in the uterus to tighten and relax. These contractions help to push the baby down the birth canal and eventually out of the mother`s body.
What do Contractions Every 10 Minutes Mean?
Contractions that occur every 10 minutes are considered early labor contractions. This means that the body is preparing for labor, but it is not yet time to give birth. This phase of labor can last for several hours or days, and it is essential to pay attention to the intensity and frequency of contractions.
Typically, early labor contractions are not too painful, and they can be managed by taking deep breaths, changing position, and practicing relaxation techniques. However, if the contractions become more painful and intense, or if they are accompanied by other symptoms such as bloody discharge or the rupture of membranes (water breaking), it may be time to go to the hospital.
When to Call the Doctor
If you are experiencing contractions every 10 minutes, it is essential to contact your doctor or midwife. They will ask you questions about the frequency, intensity, and duration of the contractions to determine if you need to go to the hospital for further evaluation.
If you are in the early stages of labor, your doctor may recommend that you wait at home and monitor your contractions. However, if the contractions become more frequent and intense, or if you are experiencing other symptoms such as bleeding or rupture of membranes, it may be necessary to go to the hospital for further evaluation.
Experiencing contractions every 10 minutes is an indication that your body is preparing for labor. While early labor contractions are not usually too painful, it is essential to pay attention to their intensity and frequency. If you are experiencing contractions every 10 minutes, contact your doctor or midwife for further evaluation. Remember to practice relaxation techniques, deep breathing, and changing position to help alleviate any discomfort you may be feeling.